Tuesday 8 July 2008

Book Reviews:

The Game by Niel Strauss
Definitely the first book every aspiring PUA should read! if it wasn't what got you into this subject, then its only going to take you deeper! This book is a story about following the life of a journalist called Niel Strauss who transformed himself into 'Style' an MPUA (Master Pick Up Artist)

This is an excellent book which i would recommend to everyone, its a very well written account of 'Styles' life which serves as an excellent introduction to the PUA community and to many of its most influential figures.

If however its pure technique and skills you are looking to learn from purchasing one of these books then this isn't the book for you, although it does feature lines and descriptions of pick up techniques, its definitely much more of a story than a PUA guide. I would instead suggest you try something like the 'Natural Art Of Seduction' featured below. 8 out of 10

The Natural Art Of Seduction by Richard La Ruina
This is a brilliant book on natural seduction. As well as being far more moral than most PUA books, it will have something for people of all experiences. With novices learning massive amounts, while probably unconsciously improving their general social skills too! It covers almost all topics within PU, while being well thought out and well written! 9 out of 10

The Mystery Method by Mystery (Erik Von Markovik)
(Will update once I finnish the book!)

Introducing NLP by Joseph O'Connor & John Seymour
(Will update once I finnish the book!)

NLP Workbook by Joseph O'Connor
(Will update once I finnish the book!)


(Gamblers PUA forum)

(Mysterys PUA Forum)

(Tripp's PUA Forum)
this is a new forum which has an instant messaging serice built into the forums homepage which is excellent for a fast connection to other PUA's!
it also has a Private members area (Tripp's Vault, $39.95 for life)



Professional PUA's and their products:

Mystery Video Archive Encyclopedia 5-DVD Set $294
The 5 DVD set represents the highlights from the Mystery Method's 18-city tour, with the best of the major components of attraction, dating, and seduction. Reviewed as the ultimate dating product on the market today and the best material from the worlds greatest pickup artist
(This is the advertiser’s description; I have yet to find someone to write a review)

The PUA Training Home Study System $94
The whole premise is to give you everything you need to be successful with women. Within its pages lie the secrets to being absolutely unstoppable, and it's all broken down in an easy-to-follow step-by-step fashion.
(This is the advertiser’s description; I have yet to find someone to write a review)

A list of blogs by PUG (Pick Up Gurus) & MPUA's (Master Pick Up Artists):

Sinn's Blog - former theMysteryMethod.com Owner/Instructor

El Topo's Blog- former theMysteryMethod.com Instructor

Tim from RSD's Blog - RSD Instructor

Barry Kirkey aka Extramask

Tyler Durden's Blog

Fidelio's Blog

Captain Jack's Blog - former theMysteryMethod.com instructor

Doc Holiday's Blog - Good at day game



List written By JSmooth
Forum Moderator at www.puas.open-board.com